Bambi & Bimbi nursery welcomes children from 0-3 years old, divided into homogeneous groups according to age and according to the child’s individual development. The integration into the nursery takes place gradually. Times and methods are agreed with the family, respecting the child's pace of adaptation.
The didactics planning takes into account 3 fields of experience:
In each field of experience, specific children's skills are stimulated. The goal is to enhance their innate abilities by structuring the context and activities following the different levels of development.

Particular importance is given to physical activity for which, every two weeks, children perform physical activity exercises through structured games with and without the aid of tools. The Primo Sport 0246 playground built in collaboration with the University of Verona is also used. The motor path, which takes care of the development of manual skills, motor skills and balance, is followed by a specialized external teacher.
A lot of work is also done on the area of fine manual skills to help children acquire an adequate mastery of graphic tools. Manipulating, tearing, threading and later cutting and gluing are some of the activities proposed daily to children to stimulate eye-manual coordination.
Listening to songs and music marks the daily routines and reading picture books arouses curiosity and interest in books and knowledge in children.
To train concentration and memory, bits are used (images shown at a certain speed) which, in addition to offering very broad knowledge, stimulate attention, memory and concentration. They are the children’s favorite daily appointment.
Numeric intelligence is also stimulated both in everyday life and with structured activities especially in the phase of transition to kindergarten.
The bilingualism proposed is a continuous thread that accompanies children up to high school grades. In this educational stage, it is the natural relationship with mother tongue teachers that promotes the development of language skills in children.
Being exposed to a second language from an early age is the most natural and effective way to learn it easily. Every day, through a playful and multisensory approach, children come into contact with the English language. Flash cards, books, songs and artistic activities allow children to gradually and spontaneously expand their vocabulary and to fix sounds and phonemes in their minds.

The home time is agreed at the time of registration. It is possible to choose between
‘half day’ with exit at 13:00 and ‘full day’ until 16:00.
All of the children at Bambi&Bimbi wear a school uniform in order to feel a real part of the school. The uniform is provided by Cetty-Coccobaby company.
If you are part of Bambi&Bimbi then click here to purchase your uniform: