“Bambi&Bimbi” began in 2001 as a private nursery in Pescantina.
In 2012, at the same time as the new bilingual project started, it became a combined nursery and infant school based at the new site in Via Don Milani, Balconi di Pescantina.
In 2015 the primary school was added as well, followed in 2017 by the Don Lorenzo Milani secondary school.
In 2018 the school was enlarged with the addition of a new site in Settimo di Pescantina.
As the founders and current owners of the entire project, we like to refer to ourselves as ‘Dream Partners’, because it is our dreams that drive us to build, involve others and share all of our educational ideas.
In addition to the bilingualism that we have promoted since the day our nursery first opened its doors, there are two further principles that have guided our choices and the type of school we would like to promote.
The first is the children’s wellbeing. The children are at the centre of the choices we make and our attention is always focused on them.
The second principle, which follows naturally from the first, is also enshrined in the Italian Constitution: “It is the duty and right of parents to support, raise and educate their children” (article 30).
For us, this means sharing their educational project with the families, lending them our professional expertise, promoting two-way communication and considering our school as belonging to them too.